SMP (scalp micropigmentation) hides hair and scalp deformities. Scalp cosmetic deformities can be caused by hair restoration surgery or dermatologic diseases like scarring alopecia or genetic alopecia. With SMP, it is also possible to conceal scars caused by neurosurgery or head trauma.
Hair transplant scars
Hair loss happens to people of all ages, races, and colors. Affected individuals often suffer from low self-esteem and low self-confidence. Several methods have been developed to conceal areas of thinning hair or hair loss. The majority of these individuals undergo hair transplantation in order to conceal their condition.
Hair is transplanted from areas where it is still growing to areas where it is no longer growing. The scarring caused by removing hair from these areas can be unsightly in the long run. Having these scars causes them anxiety and distress. They search for ways to conceal the scar by making it less visible. A micropigmentation procedure can accomplish this.
Scalp micropigmentation
SMP is particularly useful for concealing scars from hair transplants, in addition to concealing hair and scalp deformities. When follicular units are extracted or transplanted, scarring may vary. Since each type of scar presents its own challenges, concealment techniques vary.
The technique
Various hues of pigment are injected into the upper dermis by tattoo needles. Color of the skin and hair, amount of hair, scar thickness, and pigment properties affect how each treatment area should be treated. Scalp micropigmentation specialists determine the depth of the needle inserted based on the thickness of the skin at the point of insertion. Before reaching the upper dermis, the needle must penetrate the epidermis.
The results
Millions of people who have previously been unable to conceal their scars after hair transplants can experience great joy and happiness by working with a provider who has artistic and technical skills. Using scar coverage in Austin TX, hair transplant scars can be concealed so that the appearance of a full head of hair is created. Contact SMP of Austin for more information about scar coverage in Austin TX.